The World of A Reader

I have entered into the world of knowledge, The spirit of the learning took me in, My soul buried in the words of wisdom, And all that surrounded me are but books. I have sailed the seven seas, Climbed the tallest mountain and hill, Survived the sunny days and cold nights, I was a knight in shining armour, a fighter. I have been to Atlantic Ocean and back, Visited the Queen of England, A bride found with shinny glass shoe, I was a princess, a traveller and a royal adviser. I have been to the animal kingdom, With king Simba, I ruled the forest, A fury best friend to Pocchantas, I was a cute bunny, a sidekick and a dove. I have contributed a lot to the society, Help to develop a cure to save the prince, Invented a time traveling machine, I was a major, a doctor and a scientist. Oh! I wish this never ends, But alas, the last page snapped me back to reality, Where I've gone and what I've done is nothing but an illusion, I hope another will bring more ...