The Disbelievers

Verily, those who disbelieve, it is the same to them whether you (O Muhammad Peace be upon him) warn them or do not warn them, they will not believe. They are the pious, But go against their lord, Warning them or not, They will believe not, They calls to the oneness, But worshipping trinity, They are far away from the path, They claimed to be the way, They believe not the God, Not the messages the messenger brought They rejected the revealed book, And against the define ordainment, They have hear but deaf, They have mouth but dumb, They have eyes but blind, How will they return to the path, On the day, They will be resurrected, With humiliation and disgrace, Their face will be as white, As that of the black stone, They rejected not the faith, But shall taste the torment, Of the hell they denied it's existence They shall be there till infinity.