I Know Asake

I know Asake,
She is the beaded waist lady,
The maiden that adore her head with suku,
Her face glows radiantly like the morning sun,
Her melodious voice attracts many suitors,
The only Omo pupa like palm kernel in our village,
She has dancing steps like Sekere,
She is indeed a beauty to behold,
A good and respectful daughter of her father.

I know Asake,
She is the one who wears the golden bracelet,
Her moonlight stories are the treasures of the kids,
The only Amazon woman of her time,
She prepares foods of great tastes and aroma,
Her gracious dancing steps caught the eyes of all,
The King shakes his Irukere for Asake,
Our maiden was bethroned to Omo Oba,
If I come again, I want to be a prince,
I want the next Asake to be my wife.


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