Think About Them

In a world filled with love and hatred,
Some spend their lives with hope, trying to cope.
Other people live their lives with carelessness and in sweetness.
Time changing constantly like the day and night.
In time and future hides the secrets of the unknown.

The ungrateful rich man spend and waste away.
Bread leftovers use to clean their hands
Food meant for the refugees were fed to their obeying pets.
Lavishly wasting away money without any thoughts.
Parties and asset competitions is their main game.
They have forgotten what tomorrow may bring.

The middle man run day and night to make ends meet.
With little time he has he spends with family and friends.
To make a living he'll work around the clock.
With pity and conscious about the state he gives to the poor.
In his mind is nothing but hope for a better future.

You wake up every day in your house and still complain,
Think about those who do not have a home to call theirs,
You always have food on your table yet you nag at it,
Think of those who scavenge bins for what to eat,
You live in wellness but always complain,
Think of those whose life is a game of survival.

What about the poor and weak people of our time?
They have no house and family to care for them.
Think about the sad widows and lonely orphans,
Left to the pity and rejection of their society.
Their hope come and go as they retire into the night.

Happiness is found when giving hope to others,
Even the sun shares its light before the night starts.
There's always love in caring and giving to others.
Be like a candle that illuminate others,
Be a helper and hope giver by lending a hand.
When you want to complain, think about them.


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