I am Waiting
Multitude were asking,
What is keeping you back?
Your mates were neither riding bike,
Nor they were trekking anymore.
Some have become superintendents,
And many have become managers.
They were rather given out grants,
Not they were seeking any alms.
They have become father of two,
And happily engaged with wives,
They were no more requesting from mother,
fathers and families.
The ritualist were asking,
What are you waiting for?
Your mates are getting rich ;
Riding Benz and Rolce Royce.
They have built several houses,
And travels around the world.
They control money and resources,
Friends and enemies.
"What are you waiting for?"
Said by many foes.
Don't you want to be successful?
Why don't you head to words.
I am waiting,
For the rain to fall,
And bring out sustenance,
That will last forever.
I am waiting ,
For the light to buff,
And the sun to rise,
And the moon to enlarge,
I am waiting,
For the favor of the lord,
I shall neither rush,
Nor I shall look forward to your blessing.
There is nothing like late comer,
To the world called success
And there's nothing like gate closed,
To the mercy of the lord.
If the time has reach,
There is nothing like blockages,
I am waiting for the day,
That my star will glow.
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