Ramadan Mubarak

There are months,
There are,
Months month;
Greater  than month.

Blessed we said,
Before it,
Four are specific,
Among the months.

Let us reach,
We seek from him,
Baligna Ramadan.

The month,
Honour is given to the crescent ;
It kick off,
The anticipating blessing and glories.

foods and money we're kept;
They found it in many houses

Devil is given extra power,
 he capture not the believers.

The crescent is the father of the moon,
All heart must be on the sky.

Let us submitted to the throne,
Who knows if this will be the last.

Welcome to our midst,
I greeted you thousand times

Thanks for the revisiting,,
I pray you will leave some scars

Marhaba yah sharu l Gufran
Ramadan Mubarak.


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