Our Prime Time

In the shadow of our precious memory, we watch as it flashes and fade away, as if it's ain't moments of yesterday...

For people we once knew and  stick to their path like bird-flu, now it turns to a moment we try to remember without clue...

Gone are the times we once shared, the beautiful moments really cared, but here we are as if we ain't there...

Times flies, memories dies, we never know when it time to say goodbye, tears stick to the lid of our eye, as our young one parted shore of our precious life...

I wish I could turn back time,
spend it with loved ones, be in the old clime, porously howling like lake lime...

Oh, we already tampered with our prime time, I mean moment we sucked dry our sweet lime...

The shadow of death is at our shore, some don't even weep over unpaid debts, surely we all regret, we ought to have wept, till the destroyer of joy caught our last breath..

We give little attention to eternity, and left our home tattered and unkept. Oh Allaah, do not take our souls until you are pleased with us. Aameen.


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